Today saw me return to CIT to work on my final subject - Technical Photography. This was disrupted last year so we're now revising, revisiting, refining and, hopefully, finishing the unit. The subject includes sections on perspective control, macros and copy photography. Today we had time to play with tilt-shift lenses. I grabbed a monster tripod and headed up to St John's Anglican church in Reid, to practice using the wonderfully-named Scheimpflug Principle. Application of this principle allows me to capture a landscape with sharp focus right through from the foreground to the background, without resorting to techniques such as focus stacking.

I love that I can read the inscriptions on the graves easily, and still have the church in sharp focus. I invested in my Canon Tilt-Shift lens late last year and am still exploring what I can do with it. Definitely had fun with photography today.
Of course, college isn't just about learning. It's also about meeting and spending time with some wonderful creative people and it was great to reconnect today with my colleagues - some of whom I haven't seen for a few months :)